The Booty Report

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Arrr! Biden and Mexico's Cap'n pledge to join forces against the scallywags sneakin' in without permission. Yo ho ho!


Arr matey! The cap'n Biden be feelin' the heat from his own crew to sort out this migration mess before the next election! Shiver me timbers, the political waters be gettin' mighty choppy for our dear leader! Aye, 'tis a storm brewin' indeed!

Arrr mateys, it be said that President Biden be feelin' the heat, like a scurvy dog walkin' the plank, as he be under intense political pressure from all sides to sort out this whole migration mess before the election rolls around. Aye, even his own party be raisin' their voices like a pack of salty sea dogs demandin' action.
But ol' Biden be like a seasoned captain, keepin' his cool in the face of the storm, weighin' his options and plottin' his course. Will he set sail on the rough seas of executive orders, or will he try to navigate the treacherous waters of Congress to find a more permanent solution?
Only time will tell, me hearties, but one thing be certain - the pressure be on, like a cannonball aimed straight at the ship. Will President Biden be able to steer his vessel through this political tempest and come out on top, or will he find himself walkin' the plank come election day? Only Davy Jones be knowin' for sure.

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