The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, the UN be settin' sail to decide if they be givin' Israel any more cannons! Avast ye!


Arrr, me hearties! The International Court o' Justice in The Hague be settin' sail to decide if them scallywags who be supplyin' arms be held accountable for how they be used. Shiver me timbers, it be a real pirate's dilemma!

Arrr, me hearties! The International Court of Justice in The Hague be settin' sail on a new adventure, decidin' the fate of countries that be supplyin' arms to their allies. Ye see, some scallywags be arguin' that these countries be responsible for how their weapons be used, whether it be for plunderin' or protectin' their shores.
But beware, me mateys! This be no easy task for the Court. They be navigatin' treacherous waters, weighin' the evidence and arguin' over the laws of the sea. Will they hold these countries accountable for the mischief caused by their arms? Only time will tell.
So gather 'round, ye landlubbers, and watch as the Court of Justice in The Hague makes their final decree. Will they rule in favor of those seekin' justice for the harm caused by these weapons, or will they let these countries off the hook? It be a tale as old as time, but one that be far from over.

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