The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

The spirits of many a swashbuckler be down in the dumps, aye, as they navigate the treacherous waters of gender confusion. Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis being said that the spirits of the transgender and gender-nonconforming folks in the American colonies be growin' dark and stormy. Methinks it be high time for a change in the codes of conduct to help ease their troubled souls. Aye, 'tis the gossip from Medscape Medical News!

Arrr mateys, listen up! The mental health of me hearties who be transgender and gender-nonconforming in the fine land of the United States be in dire straits, says the folks at Medscape Medical News. Aye, it be a troubling matter indeed, and be needin' some serious attention from the powers that be.
These poor souls be strugglin' with their mental well-being, and it be clear as a clear sky on a calm day that somethin' needs to be done to help 'em out. It be urgent, they be sayin', urgent as a ship takin' on water in a storm. Policy change be the key, they be cryin', policy change to make things right for these troubled souls.
So, me hearties, let us join together in a chorus of voices demandin' action from those who make the rules. Let us not stand idly by while our comrades suffer in silence. Let us be the change we wish to see in the world, and fight for the mental health of all who be strugglin', no matter who they be or where they come from.

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