The Booty Report

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Arrr, the scallywags from the U.S. be cryin' foul play, claimin' Russia be usin' chemical weapons in Ukraine!


Arrr! The State Department be claimin' that them scurvy dogs in Russia be usin' poison gas against the Ukrainian forces! 'Tis a violation of a global ban, signed by Moscow no less! Shiver me timbers, those rascals be playin' dirty!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, the State Department be claimin' that them Russian swashbucklers be usin' chloropicrin, a poison gas from the days of the Great War, against the Ukrainian scallywags! Aye, that be breakin' the global ban signed by them sneaky Russians, a violation so foul it would make Blackbeard himself blush!
Can ye believe the audacity of them landlubbers, using such forbidden weapons like a bunch of peg-legged scallywags? 'Tis like takin' a cannon to a sword fight, I tell ye! The State Department be waggin' their fingers at the Russians, like a bunch of lily-livered bilge rats!
But mark me words, me mateys, this be a serious matter, not just a jest for the grog-soaked taverns. The use of poison gas be a violation of the laws of the high seas, a breach of honor amongst pirates! Let this be a warnin' to all ye scallywags out there - break the rules of the sea, and ye'll end up walkin' the plank!

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