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Arrr, the sudden word of a prime minister be causin' a ruckus among the council in Haiti! Onward, mateys!


Arr mateys, the scallywags of Haiti be makin' a ruckus! Four of the seven council members be votin' for ol' Fritz BĂ©lizaire as prime minister. But the dissentin' scallywags be thinkin' of startin' a brawl or walkin' the plank. What a rumble on the high seas!

In a surprising turn of events, Haiti's new prime minister has caused a rift within the transitional council responsible for choosing new leaders in the violence-plagued country. Four out of seven council members announced Fritz BĂ©lizaire as prime minister, catching many off guard with their unexpected alliance.The opposing council members are now considering their options, including fighting the decision or resigning from the council altogether. The political accord of the council was breached by this move, leading to discussions of alternative prime minister candidates.The Montana Accord, a civil society group represented on the council, condemned the decision as a "complot" against the Haitian people by four council members in the dead of night.Haiti's political landscape has a history of secrecy and instability, with gangs wreaking havoc on the capital. The council's selection process has raised concerns among Haitians, with skepticism about the motives and integrity of the members involved.Experts and observers criticize the involvement of familiar faces in Haitian politics, pointing to a cycle of corruption and mismanagement that has plagued the country for years. The ongoing violence and turmoil in Haiti further highlight the urgent need for stable leadership and effective governance.

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