The Booty Report

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"Arrr! This 'slow' review be sayin' we don't need to disrobe, mateys! Keep yer shirts on, ye scallywags!"


Arrr, me hearties! The second tale by the Lithuanian filmmaker Marija Kavtaradze be ponderin' what a shipmate bond be like when ye take out the rumble in the beds. Aye, aye, matey, 'tis a curious question indeed!

Arr matey, this film by Marija Kavtaradze be delvin' into the heart o' relationships, without all the rumble in the sheets, if ye catch me drift. It be a real head-scratcher, tryin' to figure out how two souls be connectin' without all the physicality, arr!
The lass be makin' us all ponder, what be the true essence of a relationship, if not for the booty? It be like tryin' to sail the high seas without a compass, aye, confusin' indeed!
But fear not me hearties, for there be humor in this tale as well. Kavtaradze be makin' us laugh as we scratch our heads, tryin' to wrap our minds around this peculiar notion of love without all the shenanigans.
So, if ye be lookin' for a film that be provokin' thought and ticklin' yer funny bone at the same time, then this here be the one for ye. Set sail on this cinematic adventure and see for yerself what a relationship truly be, without all the usual trimmings. Arr, it be a wild ride indeed!

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