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Arrr! Mexican scallywags be findin' tents and interrogatin' folk 'bout missin' mates in Baja. Aye, shiver me timbers!


Arr mateys, the Mexican authorities be sayin' they've interrogated three scallywags and discovered forsaken tents tied to the tale of an American and two Aussies who be missin' in Baja California. Aye, thar be some shifty business goin' on, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, Mexican authorities be sayin' they have found tents and questioned three scallywags in the case of two Australians and an American who went missing over the weekend in the Pacific coast state of Baja California. Arrr!María Elena Andrade Ramírez, the state’s chief prosecutor, be keepin' mum on whether the three people questioned be considered possible suspects or witnesses. Some be tied directly to the case, and others indirectly.But evidence found with the abandoned tents be linked to the three. The scallywags were believed to be surfers and campers along the Baja coast near Ensenada, but did not show up at their lodgings over the weekend.Aye, the missing Australians' mother be pleadin' for help in findin' her sons, Jake and Callum. Callum be a diabetic, mateys. The American with them be named Jack Carter Rhoad, but the U.S. Embassy did not confirm.Andrade Ramírez be in touch with Australian and U.S. officials, but she be sayin' that the time that had passed might make it harder to find them. In 2015, two Australian surfers were killed in Sinaloa state by highway bandits. Arrr!

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