The Booty Report

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Arr, ye best be watchin' yer baseline antipsychotic dose, lest ye be turnin' into a wild sea dog!


Arrr matey! The startin' dose be crucial for avoidin' the madness in them high-risk patients! The new meta-analysis be showin' that goin' too high too soon on the antipsychotic can send 'em straight into the depths of psychosis! Yarrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have some news that be serious business for our mates in need of a dose of sanity. Aye, there be talk of an initiation of a high- vs low- baseline dose of an antipsychotic drug that be puttin' our high-risk patients at risk for converting to full-blown psychosis. Aye, the data from a new meta-analysis be confirmatin' this risk, so we best be payin' attention.

Now, I know we be wantin' to help our mates who be sufferin' from the madness, but we best be careful with the dosages we be givin' them. It be a fine line between helpin' and harmin', so we must be treading carefully. Aye, the last thing we want be creatin' more trouble for our already troubled mates.

So, me hearties, let us be mindful of the doses we be administerin' and make sure we be keepin' a close eye on our high-risk patients. Let us be sailin' the seas of medicine with caution and kindness, for our mates be relyin' on us to steer them towards calmer waters. Arrr!

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