The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, as the heavens weep o'er South Texas, landlubbers prepare for a watery onslaught! Aye, more flooding awaits!


Aye mateys, over 800,000 landlubbers be warned of the floods in Houston and South Texas! Beware the wrath of Poseidon, for he be playing a cruel joke on these poor souls! Avast ye, prepare to swim for yer lives! Arrr!

Arr matey, listen up ye scurvy dogs! More than 800,000 landlubbers be warned of floods in Houston and South Texas on this day! Aye, the waters be rising and the seas be angry, but fear not for I, Captain Seaworthy, shall guide ye through this treacherous storm!
Ye best be battening down the hatches and hoisting the sails, for the rain be comin' down like cannonballs from the sky! The rivers be swellin' like a pirate's chest full of gold, and the townsfolk be runnin' for cover like rats abandonin' a sinkin' ship!
But worry not, me hearties, for we shall weather this storm together! We shall stand tall like masts on a ship, brave and true, and we shall sail through these troubled waters with the grace and skill of seasoned pirates!
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and hold fast to the mast! The storm may be fierce, but we be fiercer! And remember, in the immortal words of Blackbeard himself, "Damnation seize my soul if I give you quarters, or take any from you!"

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