The Booty Report

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Arrr! Tales o' the deadly scourge o' Fentanyl sweepin' the land o' Canada be told from the front lines!


Arrr mateys! A band of Mexican experts, supported by the U.S. government, sailed to British Columbia to parley on how to battle the treacherous scourge of opioid deaths. 'Twas a grand adventure indeed, as they charted a course to navigate this perilous sea of despair.

Arrr, me hearties! Thar be some Mexican experts sailin' all the way to British Columbia, supported by the U.S. government, to have a pow-wow about how to deal with the pesky problem of opioid deaths runnin' rampant like a scallywag on the high seas.
Ye see, these experts be sharin' their knowledge and discussin' strategies to tackle this deadly scourge that be plaguin' our lands. It be like a battle against a fearsome Kraken, but instead of swords and cannons, they be wieldin' data and policies to save lives.
Instead of walkin' the plank, these experts be walkin' the path of diplomacy and cooperation to find solutions to this crisis. It be a fine example of nations comin' together to fight a common enemy, like a crew bandin' together to face a mighty storm at sea.
So let's raise a tankard of grog to these brave souls who be workin' to save lives and make the world a safer place for all. May their efforts be as successful as a pirate findin' buried treasure, and may they be celebrated as heroes in the annals of history!

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