The Booty Report

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Ye scallywags be warned! Giancarlo Esposito be joinin' the MCU, but not as the X Men leader! Aarrr!


Arrr, Esposito hath proclaimed the role be "more grand than ye can fathom". Aye, me hearties, he speaks true! This be a treasure worth more than all the doubloons in Davy Jones' locker. Sail forth and seize it, me mateys!

Ahoy mateys! Let me tell ya a tale about a scallywag by the name of Esposito. He be talkin' about a role that be better than ye can possibly imagine! Aye, he be speakin' in such grandeur, it be makin' me wonder if he be pullin' me leg!

But shiver me timbers, me hearties, he be swearin' on his treasure that this role be the best thing to ever happen to him. Arrr, I reckon he be tellin' the truth, for why would a pirate like Esposito be lyin' about such a thing?

So, let us raise a tankard of grog to Esposito and his grand tales of a role beyond our wildest dreams. Mayhaps one day, we too shall find ourselves in a role that be better than we could ever imagine. Until then, let us sail the high seas and search for our own treasures, me buckos!

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