The Booty Report

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Arrr! Ye best be knowing that a hefty dose of Prednisone can lessen yer chances of spawnin'! Aye, matey!


Arrr, me hearties! The scallywag behind this new study be sayin', "I almost couldn't believe the facts I found!" Methinks he must've been drinkin' too much grog or gettin' swindled by a sneaky sea serpent! Har har!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Thar be a new study out thar that be sayin' some wild things. The author of this study, he be sayin' that he almost didn't believe the data himself! Aye, ye heard me right, he be doubting the numbers he be seein'. The scallywag must've been seein' some real strange things in them charts.
The news be comin' from Medscape Medical News, a reputable source for all things medical. It be soundin' like this study be turnin' the whole medical world upside down! I can almost hear the laughter of the crew as they be readin' about this doubting author.
But ye know what they say, truth be stranger than fiction. And this study be provin' that to be true. So next time ye be doubtin' the data, just remember this tale of the doubting author. And maybe ye'll think twice before ye be callin' someone else's data into question. Arrr!

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