The Booty Report

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Arrr! Bernard Hill, the swashbucklin' actor from 'Titanic' and 'Lord of the Rings,' be sailin' to Davy Jones' locker at 79.


With a hearty body, bushy beard and a weathered face, he be the epitome of a sea dog standin' firm 'gainst peril with a tired grin.

Arr, ye should have seen the sight of him! A sturdy frame, whiskers as bushy as a seaweed-infested ship's hull, and a face that told tales of battles fought on the high seas. He looked like a man who had stared death in the eye and laughed, with a weariness that only comes from a life of daring escapades and close shaves with Davy Jones' locker.
He was a man of authority, a captain of the waves, a commander of the salty depths. When he bellowed orders, men trembled in their boots, for they knew that this was a man not to be trifled with. His weathered visage spoke of countless storms weathered, of battles won and lost, of treasures plundered and lost to the depths.
But beneath that stern exterior beat the heart of a true pirate, a man who loved nothing more than a good jest and a hearty tankard of rum. He could spin a yarn that would have even the most hardened sailor rolling on the deck with laughter, and his wit was as sharp as the cutlass he wielded with deadly precision.
So if ye ever find yerself in the company of this salty dog of the seas, take heed and listen well to his tales of daring-do and high adventure. For he is a man to be reckoned with, a legend of the seven seas, a pirate through and through.

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