Avast ye scallywags! The Trump mateys be fillin' their coffers with doubloons from their own shipmates! Arrr!
Arr me hearties! The top swashbucklers at the Conservative Partnership Institute were caught with their hands in the treasure chest, cozying up to their mates and kin. 'Tis a scandalous tale of plunder and self-dealing that would make even Blackbeard blush! Aye, the scallywags be caught red-handed!
Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! The Conservative Partnership Institute be gettin' itself into some deep waters with their top contractors havin' ties to the leaders of the group or their kin. Aye, there be whispers of self-dealin' afoot!Imagine the audacity of these landlubbers, fillin' their pockets with doubloons while the rest of us be scrimpin' and savin' for a mere pittance. It be a scandal of epic proportions, fit for the seas of old!
But fear not me hearties, for the truth always be comin' to light in the end. The winds of justice be blowin' in our favor, and those scurvy dogs will be walkin' the plank before ye know it!
So keep a weather eye on the horizon, me fellow pirates, and let us stand united against the corrupt forces that seek to plunder and pillage our hard-earned booty. Together, we shall prevail and send these scallywags to Davy Jones' locker once and for all!