The Booty Report

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Ye be better off avoidin' the grog and keepin' yer pistols holstered, lest ye be visitin' Davy Jones soon!


Arr matey! The scallywags who be mixin' opioids with gunplay be meetin' Davy Jones sooner, says a new study. They be payin' a pretty penny at the ol' emergency room, too! Looks like them scurvy dogs be payin' the ultimate price for their reckless ways. Aye, beware the deadly mix of grog and firearms, me hearties!

Arrr mateys, listen up ye scallywags! A study be showin' that them landlubbers with opioid and substance abuse problems who also be gettin' shot with firearms be havin' a higher chance of goin' to Davy Jones' locker and spendin' more doubloons in the emergency room. Aye, it be a serious matter, but I can't help but chuckle at the thought of them scurvy dogs runnin' into trouble with their pistols while in a fog from the grog.
But in all seriousness, it be a reminder that mixin' guns, drugs, and drinkin' ain't no jolly good time. It be leadin' to more harm than good, and it be costin' more than just pieces of eight. So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all to keep a clear head and stay away from the risky business of firearms and substances. And if ye find yerself in a pickle, seek help from a wise old mate or a knowledgeable healer. Take care of yourselves, me hearties, and may the winds of good health be at yer backs!

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