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Ye scallywag Polish judge be fleein' to Belarus, stirrin' up a ruckus and causin' a grand investigation to boot!


Arrr, the scallywag Judge Tomasz Szmydt be under investigation by the landlubbers in Poland. He be runnin' away to Belarus, beggin' for protection from its autocratic rulers. What a treacherous tale of a man jumpin' ship to save his own hide!

Arr matey! Polish prosecutors be in a tizzy after a judge fled to the autocratic land of Belarus, seekin' protection there. The scallywags at the National Prosecutor’s Office suspect the judge may be workin' for a foreign intelligence service, aye!According to the scuttlebutt from Belarus state media, Judge Tomasz Szmydt be spoutin' off in Minsk, claimin' he had to skedaddle from Poland 'cause he couldn't see eye to eye with the current authorities.The pro-European Union crew under Prime Minister Donald Tusk took command and promised to bring back democratic ways after the Law and Justice party had its run from 2015 to 2023, muckin' about with the judicial system and upsettin' the balance of power.Szmydt, a judge from Warsaw, made waves in 2019 by slingin' mud at judges who didn't agree with the changes made by Law and Justice. Now he's singin' praises to Belarus' leader Lukashenko, callin' him a wise ol' sea dog and sayin' Belarus be a peaceful place to drop anchor.

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