Arrr! The scallywags at Biden's agency be walkin' the plank for tryin' to meddle in voter registrations in swing states!
Arrr mateys! The scallywags in the House be sendin' a grand subpoena to the Biden crew fer not givin' up the goods on their fishy voter registration gambit. 'Tis a scandal of the highest order! Ye best be walkin' the plank, Biden!
In ye olde language of a 17th-century pirate, the House Committee on Small Business be demandin' answers from the Small Business Administration, claimin' the Biden administration be tryin' to funnel resources to a key swing state for voter registration, a move they call unconstitutional. They be subpoenaing SBA Chief of Staff Plews and his adviser Robinson, who be skippin' out on interviews and not handin' over documents related to a program allegedly takin' resources from Main Street to register Democrat voters in Michigan. This be the first time the committee be usin' a subpoena on the agency, matey. In March, Biden's SBA signed an agreement with Michigan to promote voter registration, claimin' it be helpin' small business owners vote.Arr, some be raisin' concerns that the Biden administration be usin' the SBA to register votes in a swing state crucial to the November election. The committee be investigatin' the collaboration between the SBA and Michigan, claimin' it be unconstitutional. They be findin' that most outreach events be happenin' in counties with high DNC demographics, includin' young and Black voters. This be a scandalous situation, matey, and the committee be demandin' answers from the SBA and other federal agencies involved.Me hearties, this be a tale of political mischief and misuse of taxpayer funds, with the Biden administration accused of campaign shenanigans through the SBA in Michigan and perhaps other swingin' states. The committee be on the hunt for answers and plans to hold those involved accountable for their actions. It be a swashbucklin' saga of political intrigue with no end in sight, arr!