The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, thee Boy Scouts be settin' sail on a new course - Scouting America be our new masthead!


Arrr mateys, the crew be strugglin' with debts and tales of misconduct, but they be claimin' a new name to be more hospitable to all ye scallywags of the land o' America. Aye, 'tis a bold move indeed!

Arr mateys, listen up ye scurvy dogs! The organization be in dire straits, fightin' off bankruptcy and claims of unspeakable deeds. But fear not, for they have a plan! They be changin' their name and hoistin' a new flag to show they be more welcomin' to all the young scallywags in America.
Ye see, they be wantin' to be more inclusive, like a pirate ship that welcomes all sorts of scallywags aboard. No matter yer background or beliefs, they want ye to feel at home in their crew. So they be throwin' out the old ways and embracin' a new path.
So raise a tankard of grog and sing a shanty for the organization, as they set sail on a new adventure. Let's hope they can steer clear of the rocky shores of bankruptcy and scandal, and find smooth waters ahead. And remember, no matter what troubles may come their way, they'll face it with a hearty laugh and a spirit as strong as the wind in their sails. Fair winds and following seas to all who join their crew!

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