The Booty Report

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Arrr! USC be scramblin' to salvage its graduation after run-ins with the law and ruffians on campus.


Arrr, the university be known for throwin' grand ceremonies, but this year, after some scallywags caused a ruckus and got sent to the brig, the whole affair be lackin' in shine. The families be right displeased, aye.

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye landlubbers, fer I have a tale to tell ye about the scallywags at the university. They be known for throwin' grand ceremonies, but this year be different. Aye, there be protests and arrests aplenty, and the whole affair be lackin' in its usual shine. The families of the students be grumblin' like a hungry sea serpent at low tide.
Ye see, the university be like a ship without a compass, lost in a sea of discontent. The students be raisin' their voices like a chorus of angry seagulls, demandin' change. But the officials be as stubborn as a barnacle on a ship's hull, clingin' to their old ways.
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to ye all. Even the grandest of institutions can be brought to its knees by a few brave souls with righteous fury in their hearts. And remember, a pirate's life be full of adventure and excitement, but even we know when to stand up and fight for what be right. So, raise yer flag high and join the fray, for the future be as murky as the depths of Davy Jones' locker.

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