The Booty Report

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Arrr, 'Tale of the Heathens': After War Adventures in the New World, a jolly good yarn! Arrr!


Arr matey, Peter Kass's 1961 film be unearthed and polished up, filled with wild distortions and dark connections. It be makin' its debut in the grand city of New York at Film at Lincoln Center. Avast ye landlubbers, prepare to be amazed!

Arr, mateys! Gather 'round and listen up, for I bring ye tidings of a newly unearthed treasure from the depths of the cinematic seas. 'Tis none other than Peter Kass's 1961 movie, brought back to life with all its trippy distortions and grim associations. Aye, me hearties, this be a film like no other, sure to shiver your timbers and boggle your eyes.
Set sail for Film at Lincoln Center in New York, where this cinematic gem will have its first run in the Big Apple. The scallywags and landlubbers alike will be flocking to see this rare spectacle, a sight to behold and a feast for the senses. So batten down the hatches and prepare for a wild ride through the swirling mists of time.
From the depths of Davy Jones' locker, this film has been resurrected and restored to its former glory, ready to dazzle and amaze audiences once more. So hoist the colors and make way for Film at Lincoln Center, where Peter Kass's masterpiece will be on full display for all to see. Avast, me hearties, for a cinematic adventure awaits!

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