The Booty Report

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Arrr, them scallywags be talkin' in circles o'er the Eruptor nerf. Methinks they be lackin' in coordination, mateys!


Avast ye scallywags! By removin' the explosive shrapnel, ye be protectin' yer mates from friendly fire, but also takin' away the Eruptor's punch! Aye, 'tis a cruel twist o' fate on the high seas of gaming!Arrr!

Arrr, them scallywags be talkin' in circles o'er the Eruptor nerf. Methinks they be lackin' in coordination, mateys!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up as I regale ye with a tale of the dangers of removin' explosive shrapnel from yer weapons. Aye, it may save ye from bein' blown to smithereens by yer own crewmates, but it also be takin' a hefty toll on yer damage output. Take the Eruptor, for example. This fiery weapon be known for its powerful blasts that could send enemy scallywags runnin' for the hills. But alas, when the shrapnel be removed, the Eruptor's firepower be diminished, leavin' ye feelin' like ye be shootin' nothin' but mere sparks.
So me advice to ye, me hearties, be to weigh the risks and rewards of removin' explosive shrapnel from yer weapons. 'Tis a decision that could mean the difference between victory and defeat on the high seas. And remember, a true pirate be not afraid to take a few risks for the chance of plunderin' great treasures. So weigh anchor, me mateys, and set sail for adventure and glory!

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