The Booty Report

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"Arrr, the Chief Propagandist Kim Ki-Nam be shuffling off this mortal coil after a good run in North Korea."


Arrr, Mr. Kim be likened to Joseph Goebbels, that scurvy dog of Nazi Germany's propaganda fleet. Serving under all three generations of the ruling family, he be a master of spin and deception on the high seas of politics. Aye, a treacherous mate indeed!

Arrr, me hearties, let me tell ye a tale of Mr. Kim, a scurvy dog who sailed under the ruling family for three generations. Aye, he was compared to that scoundrel Joseph Goebbels, the propaganda minister of the Nazi scallywags.
Now, imagine the audacity of this landlubber, makin' people believe his lies like a siren's song luring sailors to their doom. Just like Goebbels, he twisted the truth with his silver tongue and deceived the masses with his cunning words.
But let me tell ye, me mateys, there be a fine line between a clever pirate and a conniving scallywag. Mr. Kim may have thought he was pullin' the wool over everyone's eyes, but true buccaneers can see through his treachery like spyglass through fog.
So, me hearties, let this be a lesson to all ye pirates out there: beware of those who spin tales to manipulate and control. Stick to the code and always question what ye be told, for the truth will always prevail in the end, just like a treasure hidden in the depths of the sea.

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