The Booty Report

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Arrr, the crew of the Planet of the Apes reckon they be likened to Musk and Skywalker. Quite the comparison, me hearties!


Arrr mateys, ye heard it true! The tech billionaire be the muse for the scallywag in the new Planet of the Apes flick. Aye, 'tis a strange world we live in where a landlubber be inspirin' movie villains. Set sail for the cinema, me hearties, and see for yerselves!

Ahoy mateys! Listen up ye scurvy dogs, for I have news that'll make ye chuckle like a parrot on a pirate ship. It seems that the tech billionaire, that be as rich as Davy Jones' locker, be one of the inspirations behind the new villain in the Planet of the Apes movie. Arrr, can ye believe it?
Ye may be wonderin', how in the seven seas did this bilge rat become an inspiration for a movie villain? Well, it be said that his actions and words be so villainous that the filmmakers couldn't resist makin' a character based on him. Aye, the scallywag be so influential that his antics be makin' waves even in Hollywood!
So next time ye be watchin' that movie, keep a weather eye out for the villain and see if ye can spot any similarities to the tech billionaire. It be a tale worth tellin' over a tankard of grog, that's for sure. And remember, mateys, even the richest of scoundrels can inspire a dastardly character in a movie. Arrr!

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