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Weary of the blasted ads in Windows 11? Avast ye! This free app be the key to ridin' 'em scurvy ads from yer PC!


Arrr matey! Tired of them pesky Windows 11 ads plaguin' yer screen? Look no further than OFGB! A free app to rid ye of those annoyances and give ye a smoother sailin' experience on the high seas of the operating system. Hoist the sails and get rid of those scurvy ads today!

If ye be a Windows 11 scallywag who ain’t quite ready to abandon ship but be sick o’ seein’ ads all over the place, fear not me hearties! There be a free app called OFGB, which stands for ‘Oh Frick Go Back,’ that be cuttin’ out them pesky ads to make yer Windows 11 experience a tad less frustratin’.OFGB be usin’ yer system’s Windows Registry to disable all sorts o’ ads, includin’ File Explorer ads, Lock Screen tips, Settings ads, and more. It be simple to use, ye just be tickin’ which ads ye want to banish with a click (I’d recommend banishin’ them all).To get yer hands on OFGB, ye can plunder it from its official GitHub page. There be two versions to choose from, so if ye be new to this treasure hunt, I’d recommend the self-contained version. Make sure to download the source code files, then run OFGB-Deps.exe to start the installation.OFGB be a creation of xM4ddy on GitHub, a lass fed up with Windows ads clutterin’ her system. If them ads be botherin’ ye too, give OFGB a try. But if ye be wary of third-party apps, it be best to stick to the default Windows setting. Windows 11 be losin’ ground to Windows 10, and many be raisin’ their voices against the ad invasion. Let’s see if OFGB and other tools can stand up to Microsoft’s ad onslaught.

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