The Booty Report

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Arrr mateys, be ye seein' the signs of the dreaded pox on ye skin? 'Tis a viral curse, says I!


Arr mateys, tis said that most of the cases happenin' in the United States and other lands be tied to inborn errors of immunity. But not all, me hearties! Keep a weather eye on the horizon for more news from the MDedge scallywags! Arrr!

Arrr mateys, be ye seein' the signs of the dreaded pox on ye skin? 'Tis a viral curse, says I!

Arr matey! Listen up ye landlubbers! The cases be tallying up in the lands of the United States and beyond, but fear not, for most of 'em be tied to inborn errors of immunity. Aye, 'tis a right peculiar thing, it be!

But beware, me hearties, for not all of them cases be related to such errors. Nay, there be other reasons for these ailments to be plaguing the folks of these lands. 'Tis a mystery, it be!

So gather 'round, me mateys, and keep a weather eye on the horizon. The seas be rough, but with knowledge and understanding, we can navigate our way through these treacherous waters. And always remember, it be better to be safe than sorry!

So let us raise a toast to the brave souls who be fighting these illnesses, and may they find the strength and courage to overcome whatever challenges lie ahead. Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum, me hearties!

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