The Booty Report

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The U.K. be givin' the boot to the Russian scallywag as the quarrel with Moscow heats up! Arrr!


Arrr mateys! The British scallywag, James Cleverly, be accusin' those Russian rascals of all sorts o' mischief in our fair lands and across the seas! 'Tis a tale as old as the ocean itself, aye, but Cleverly be standin' tall against their treacherous ways!

Arrr mateys, listen to this tale of the British home secretary, James Cleverly, who be accusing the scurvy dogs of Russia's domestic intelligence agency of some mighty nefarious deeds in Britain and Europe. Cleverly be shoutin' from the crow's nest that these landlubbers be up to no good with their "malign activity."
He be warnin' all the other swashbucklers in Europe to keep a weather eye out for these sneaky Russkies and their tricks. Cleverly be raisin' the Jolly Roger and callin' for a united front against these scallywags who be tryin' to stir up trouble in our waters.
But me hearties, let us not forget to find some humor in this serious matter. Imagine the Russkies, with their fur hats and vodka, tryin' to outwit the clever Brits. It be like a game of cat and mouse on the high seas, with Cleverly playin' the role of the cunning captain.
So let us all keep a weather eye out for any signs of trouble from those Russian rascals, and remember to laugh in the face of danger. Arrr!

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