The Booty Report

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Ye young scallywags be needin' t' follow th' step approach in Pediatric Dermatology, lest ye be walkin' th' plank! Arrr!


Arrr, me hearties! A scallywag pediatric derm-mate be suggestin' a four-step plan fer sharin' decisions with wee patients facin' the dreaded acne and other unsightly skin afflictions. Aye, tis a fine idea to involve the little ones in their own skincare plunder! Aye aye, captain!

Arrr mateys! Listen up as this pediatric dermatologist be teachin' ye a four-step approach to usin' shared decision-making when carin' for young scallywags with acne and other skin conditions. This be comin' from the MDedge News so ye know it be worth payin' attention to!
Step one be all about makin' sure ye be listenin' to the wee ones and their parents, hearin' their concerns and preferences. Step two be educatin' 'em about the different treatment options, explainin' the risks and benefits like a proper pirate captain.
Step three be collaboratin' with the young buccaneers and their families to come to a decision together, takin' into account their wishes and fears. And finally, step four be reviewin' the plan regularly, adjustin' it as needed based on how the patient be respondin'.
So there ye have it, me hearties! Follow these four steps and ye be on yer way to successful shared decision-making with the young scallywags in yer care. And remember, a happy patient be a loyal crewmate for life!

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