The Booty Report

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Arrr! President Biden be givin' Trump a good ol' ribbin' o'er the jobs an' economy in Wisconsin! Har-har!


Arrr! President Biden set sail to Wisconsin on Wednesday, boasting about his plunder of the economy and job creation while making fun of former President Trump's empty promises of a grand tech campus. In Racine, Biden bragged about his crew building a $3.3 billion Microsoft data center, creating 2,000 new jobs. Avast!

Arrr, me hearties! President Biden set sail for Wisconsin on Wednesday, boastin' about his plunderin' of the economy and creatin' jobs while makin' fun of that scallywag Trump for not deliverin' on a promised tech campus in the area.
Mr. Biden spoke in Racine, Wisconsin, where he crowed about his crew's part in buildin' a $3.3 billion Microsoft data center that be set to make around 2,000 jobs. The data center be goin' up on the same spot where, in...

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