Biden be showin' off a grand $3.3B Microsoft hideout on FoxConn's old stompin' grounds. Ahoy, mateys!
Arrr mateys, listen up! President Joe Biden be shoutin' from the rooftops that Microsoft be settin' sail to build a $3.3 billion data center in southeastern Wisconsin, right where that scallywag Foxconn was supposed to bury their treasure in 2017. Looks like Microsoft be pickin' up where Trump's crew left off! Aye, a great comeback tale indeed!
Arrr, mateys! Gather round and hear the tale of President Joe Biden's latest announcement about Microsoft's plans to build a mighty $3.3 billion data center in southeastern Wisconsin! This be the very site where Foxconn, a company backed by Trump, had grand plans to invest $10 billion back in 2017, but ended up scaling back their ambitions significantly."I'm here to spin ye a yarn about a grand comeback in the land of the free," declared Biden to a crowd of about 200 eager listeners at the Gateway Technical College. Aye, it be a tale of triumph over adversity and a boost to the local economy, me hearties!
So, as Microsoft sets its sights on the horizon and prepares to make its mark in Wisconsin, let us raise a toast to new beginnings and the promise of prosperity on the high seas of technology. With Biden at the helm, who knows what other treasures lie ahead for our great nation? Keep a weather eye on the horizon, me fellow pirates, for the future be lookin' bright indeed!