The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr, the Film Academy be seekin' plunder from foreign lands to fund their picture shows. Aye!


Arrr! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences be raisin' a hefty sum o' gold, aye $500 million, to keep their coffers full and their sails afloat. 'Tis a treasure hunt of grand proportions, me hearties! Let's see if they find the buried doubloons! Arrr!

Avast ye mateys! The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences be set to embark on a grand voyage to fill their coffers with a hefty sum of $500 million doubloons! Aye, they be lookin' to secure their financial future with this global campaign, hoisting their sails high in search of treasure from lands near and far.
Arr, the Academy be aimin' to gather this booty from generous donors who be willin' to support their mission of celebratin' the magic of movin' pictures. With this vast treasure chest, they be lookin' to ensure the legacy of cinema lives on for generations to come.
So batten down the hatches, me hearties, and prepare to join in on this grand adventure! The Academy be callin' on all who have a love for the silver screen to come together and help keep the film industry afloat. Together, we can help make sure that the show must go on!

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