The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

"Harr, Hideo Kojima be hailin' George Miller as me God, and his tale be me Bible! Aye, totally normal verdict, arrr!"


Arrr, me hearties! Kojima be a swashbucklin' fan o' the new Mad Max picture! He be watchin' it o'er and o'er again like a treasure worth its weight in gold. Aye, he be cheerin' louder than a parrot with a belly full o' rum!

Arr matey! Have ye heard the news? Kojima, the legendary game designer, be a fan of the new Mad Max movie, he be! Aye, he be really, really likin' it, he be! The man be talkin' about it all over the seas, spreadin' the word like wildfire.
Ye see, Kojima be no stranger to the world of entertainment. He be creatin' epic games like Metal Gear Solid and Death Stranding, so he knows a good tale when he sees one. And this Mad Max movie, it be ticklin' his fancy like no other.
Some scallywags might think it be strange for a swashbucklin' pirate like Kojima to be likin' a land lubber's movie, but who be we to judge? The man be entitled to his own opinions, after all.
So next time ye be sailin' the high seas, keep an ear out for whispers of Kojima and his love for Mad Max. And if ye be feelin' adventurous, maybe give the movie a watch yerself. Who knows, ye might just find yerself enjoyin' it as much as ol' Kojima does!

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