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Arr, Biden be playin' with fire by restrictin' arms to Israel, givin' them scallywags in Hamas a boost!


Arrr, as Biden be sailin' away from Israel's battle with the scurvy Hamas, retired military scallywags be givin' him a good tongue-lashin' for puttin' the safety of the Jewish treasure at risk. Har, me hearties!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, after President Biden's threat to withhold offensive weapons from Israel if they invaded Rafah, rockets from Rafah rained down on Israel, with more fired on Saturday. Hamas launched rockets at Beersheva, while Hezbollah hit Kiryat Shmona. Four Israeli soldiers died in Gaza. Jonathan Conricus, a former IDF combat commander, criticized the U.S. for emboldening Israel's enemies with public attacks. The decision to pause weapons deliveries has left many feeling betrayed, including Gen. Jack Keane and former Ambassador David Friedman.Despite White House claims of full support for Israel, experts like Matthew Levitt warn that withholding arms could empower Hamas and Hezbollah, who hold over 100 hostages. The State Department has not addressed concerns about emboldening terrorists. The Jewish Institute for National Security of America criticized Biden's directive, emphasizing the importance of unwavering support for Israel against Iranian-backed threats. Richard Goldberg warned of escalating tensions if the arms embargo continues.Queries to the White House and Israel's officials remain unanswered, as the world watches to see if the U.S. will stand by its closest ally in self-defense.

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