The Booty Report

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Arrr! The scallywags be gathering to remember the day of the attack. Aye, let us mourn with them.


"Arrr mateys, our hearts be shattered like a cracked treasure chest! At the site of the peace and love rave, where hundreds met their doom in the attack by those scurvy dogs of Hamas on Oct. 7. May their souls find calm seas and fair winds in Davy Jones' locker."

Arrr, me hearties, tis a sad day indeed when we must mourn the loss of so many souls at the hands of the treacherous Hamas scoundrels. The site of the rave for peace and love has been turned into a battlefield, with hundreds slain in a most cowardly attack. Our hearts be heavy with grief, the sea be turbulent with rage.
But fear not, me mateys, for we shall not let this act of villainy go unpunished. We shall seek out those responsible and make them walk the plank. We shall show no mercy to those who would dare to disrupt the peace and harmony of our land.
Let us raise our grog in memory of those lost, and let us swear upon our swords to avenge their deaths. The seas may be rough, but we shall sail through them with courage and determination. For we be pirates, and we shall not be defeated by the likes of Hamas or any other scurvy dogs who stand in our way.

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