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Arrr, that Belfast bloke be sayin' we don't need them UK laws 'round 'ere in Northern Ireland, savvy?


Arrr mateys, a Belfast judge hath decreed that the blasted law of deportin' migrants shall not be enforced in Northern Ireland, for 'tis violatin' the rights of us scallywags. Avast ye, tis a victory for all who seek to sail these waters freely!

In the 17th century pirate tongue, the law of the United Kingdom be gettin' a good critiquin' from a Belfast judge, matey. This Illegal Migration Act be walkin' the plank, as it violates human rights protections and the Good Friday peace agreement of 1998, says High Court Justice Michael Humphreys.U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak be sayin' he'll be fightin' the judgment, but the impact on his plan to send migrants to Rwanda be murky waters. The lawyer who fought the case be celebratin' the victory, sayin' the law won't be applyin' in Northern Ireland.This law be aimed at stoppin' migrants from crossin' the treacherous English Channel, sendin' them to Rwanda for their asylum claims. The Supreme Court said Rwanda be unsafe, but a new bill be callin' it safe, makin' it harder for migrants to object. The law be buttin' heads with the post-Brexit agreement and the Good Friday peace accord, according to High Court Justice Humphreys.The Democratic Unionist Party be cheerin' the judgment, sayin' the U.K. government had been warned that its immigration policy be not welcome in Northern Ireland. Sunak be arguin' that the Good Friday agreement shouldn't cover illegal migration issues. The law be challenged by the Northern Ireland Human Rights Commission and a brave young lad seekin' asylum, who fears he be facin' imprisonment or worse if sent back to Iran. The judge be givin' a temporary stay on the ruling for now, but the fightin' be far from over on this high seas adventure.

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