The Booty Report

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Avast ye scallywags! Israel be tellin' us the true count o' dead landlubbers in Gaza, not those fabricatin' scurvy dogs from Hamas! Arrr!


Arrr, Israel be finally spillin' the beans on how many landlubbers they reckon have met their fate in the scuffle with Hamas in Gaza! Let's see if the scallywags be tellin' the truth or just spoutin' bilge!

Arrr mateys! Israel be claimin' that only 16,000 civilians have been sent to Davy Jones' locker in the war with Hamas, while them scallywags be shoutin' from the crow's nest that the number be closer to 35,000. Avi Hyman, speakin' for the Israel government, be sayin' that the United Nations be believin' these false numbers like a landlubber believin' in mermaids.Prime Minister Netanyahu be boastin' that they've sent over 14,000 terrorists to the Locker as well, makin' it a total of 30,000 unfortunate souls. Turkey's Erdogan be defendin' Hamas, claimin' that his hospitals be treatin' over 1,000 of their crew.Hyman be standin' firm and sayin' that these numbers be the truth from a country fightin' fair in the rules of war. Every civilian lost be a tragedy caused by Hamas usin' their own kind as shields. The Israeli Defense Forces be mournin' 620 of their own lost in battle.The United Nations be adjustin' their own numbers, but the World Health Organization be standin' by Hamas' figures. It be a treacherous sea out there, mateys, with contradictory messages flyin' like a flag in a storm.

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