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Arrr, 'tis said that diagnosing the celiac disease in wee Italian scallywags be quicker than finding buried treasure!


Yarrr, me hearties! 'Tis said that the scurvy dogs in Italy be quick to diagnose the cursed celiac disease in their wee ones, no matter where they may roam. Ahoy, me thinks those Italian doctors be quicker than a ship in a squall! Aye, Medscape Medical News be tellin' the tale!

Arrr mateys! Listen up ye scallywags! It be said that the delay of celiac disease diagnosis among young buccaneers be low in the land of Italy, no matter which part ye be sailin' in. Aye, 'tis true, as reported by the wise Medscape Medical News.
Ye see, celiac disease be a nasty affliction that can make a young lad feel as weak as a landlubber walkin' the plank. But fear not, me hearties! In Italy, the doctors be quick to spot the signs and get the wee ones on the right course to health.
So if ye find yerself in Italy and ye suspect that a young scallywag be sufferin' from celiac disease, ye can rest easy knowin' that the chances of a speedy diagnosis be high. And remember, when it comes to health matters, it be better to be safe than sorry. So be sure to keep an eye out for any telltale signs and get the young ones checked out if need be. Arrr! Fair winds and a swift diagnosis to ye all!

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