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Arrr! The US Treasury be givin' the ol' heave-ho to 1 Russian scallywag and his 3 shipmates for dodgin' sanctions.


Arrr, the scurvy dogs Oleg Deripaska and his cronies be caught tryin' to dodge the law once again! The U.S. Treasury be layin' down the law and givin' 'em a taste of their own medicine with new sanctions. Walk the plank, ye sneaky landlubbers!

The U.S. Treasury be crackin' down on a scurvy Russian citizen and three Russia-based companies who be tryin' to dodge our sanctions like a crafty pirate tryin' to escape the noose. These bilge rats were schemin' to free up more than $1.5 billion belongin' to Russian metals tycoon Oleg Deripaska, who himself be walkin' the plank under U.S. sanctions since April 2018.Deripaska made his fortune in the murky waters of metals trading as the Soviet Union was sinkin', Forbes reckonin' his wealth at $2.8 billion this year. In a tale fit for a swashbucklin' adventure, the Treasury be sayin' that in June 2023, Deripaska conspired with Russian citizens to sell his frozen shares in a European company, settin' up shady financial firms along the way.By early 2024, a new vessel called Aktsionernoe Obshchestvo Iliadis had been launched as a subsidiary of one of these firms, snatchin' up Deripaska's frozen treasure. The Treasury be raisin' the Jolly Roger on Beloglazov, Titul, Iliadis, and Rasperia, slappin' 'em with sanctions for their shenanigans in Russia's financial waters.

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