The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arr mateys, a new musical be settin' sail on Broadway this fall, ‘Death Becomes Her’ be its name! Aye!


Avast ye mateys! The jolly musical comedy be playin' in Chicago, featurin' the likes o' Megan Hilty and Jennifer Simard. 'Tis based on the 1992 film, so grab yer grog and come aboard for a swashbucklin' good time! Arrr!

Arrr, me hearties! Listen up ye scallywags, for I have the tale of a musical comedy that be takin' over the stage in Chicago. The stars of this show be Megan Hilty and Jennifer Simard, two lasses who be bringin' the laughs and the melodies to all who dare to watch.
This here musical be based on the film from the year 1992, a classic that be standin' the test of time. The songs be catchy, the jokes be plenty, and the performances be top-notch. Ye won't be leavin' the theater without a smile on yer face and a jig in yer step.
So gather ye crew, me hearties, and set sail for the theater to see this rollickin' good time. Ye won't regret it, I swear on me mother's treasure. The show be a hoot and a holler, a barrel of laughs from start to finish.
So don't be a landlubber, me mateys, come aboard and join in on the fun. Megan Hilty and Jennifer Simard be waitin' to entertain ye with their talents and their wit. It be a show ye won't soon be forgettin', that's for sure!

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