The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

The scallywags at Ubisoft plundered the battle royale for their "other ideas" for the cursed Cancelled Division game!


Arrr, me hearties! 'Tis been said that the Division Heartland be set to sail back in the year 2021! If ye be lookin' for a grand adventure on the high seas, best be keepin' an eye out for this treasure! Aye!

Arr mateys, let me spin ye a tale of the Division Heartland that was announced back in the year of our Lord 2021. Aye, the news spread like wildfire across the seven seas, whispered amongst pirates and landlubbers alike.
Some scallywags were skeptical, doubting the rumors of this new adventure on the horizon. But me hearties, the winds of change were blowin' and the promise of plunderin' and pillagin' in the heartland had our crew's imaginations runnin' wild.
As we waited with bated breath for more details to be revealed, we couldn't help but wonder what treasures awaited us in this uncharted territory. Would we find new allies to join our crew? Or perhaps face off against fearsome foes in epic battles?
But alas, as the months passed and the seas grew restless, the whispers of the Division Heartland began to fade into the distant horizon. Some say it was nothing but a ghost ship, a figment of our imaginations.
Yet still, we hold onto hope that one day we may yet set sail for the Heartland and uncover the mysteries that lie in wait. Until then, we'll raise a toast to the legends that never came to be, and the adventures that may still await us on the high seas.

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