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Arrr! Iran be resurrectin' a bill banishin' VPNs from thar internet seas. 'Tis a treacherous journey ahead fer sure!


Arr mateys, a decree be afoot to tighten the grip of the land lubbers over Iran's cyber seas. Beware ye scallywags, fer yer digital freedoms be in peril! The Parliament be schemin' to plunder our rights once more. Aye, 'tis a treacherous voyage ahead!

Avast ye mateys! Iran be resurrectin' a controversial Internet bill aimed at tightenin' authorities' control o'er th' Internet. This Cyberspace Protection Bill be aimin' t' change what content Iranians can access online, makin' it even "harder" fer 'em t' use th' best VPN services. This bill be comin' back from th' dead in a last-minute bid before th' new Parliament be takin' th' helm on May 27, 2024.This bill, if it becomes law, will give th' government th' power t' restrict th' digital space in Iran, disruptin' access t' international services and threatenin' net neutrality. VPN usage in Iran has long been a target o' th' authorities, as it allows citizens t' bypass restrictions and maintain privacy online.If this bill passes, it could make it even harder fer citizens t' use VPNs and proxy services, affectin' their online freedom and privacy. Iran has a history o' internet shutdowns and blockin' specific apps and services, makin' it one o' th' worst places fer internet connectivity.This bill not only affects citizens' rights but also has economic consequences, with estimates o' a daily GDP loss from blockin' internet and VPN services. It's important fer Iranians t' safeguard their privacy by usin' reputable VPN services, encryptin' communications, and stayin' informed about digital rights. Arrr, mateys, th' future o' th' Internet in Iran be lookin' grim!

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