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"Arrr, 8 scallywags be wantin' to rethink their stance on them Syrian refugees. Blimey, what a kerfuffle!"


Arrr mateys, the leaders of eight European Union lands be cryin' for a second look at the goings-on in Syria, hopin' to let them refugees sail back home on their own accord. Avast ye, could this be the start of a jolly good journey back to their homeland? Arrr, only time will tell!

Arrr, me hearties! The scallywags in charge of eight European Union member states be talkin' about sendin' Syrian refugees back to their own land voluntarily, ye see. In a joint declaration, officials from Austria, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Poland be sayin' they want to find better ways to deal with them refugees tryin' to make their way to EU countries.These eight countries, after meetin' in Cyprus, be claimin' that the situation in Syria be changin' for the better, even though it ain't completely stable yet. Cyprus, in particular, be seein' more Syrian refugees comin' from Lebanon on dodgy boats.The EU recently announced a hefty aid package for Lebanon to help stop the flow of asylum seekers and migrants to Cyprus and Italy. The eight countries be callin' for more support for Lebanon to prevent more folks from makin' their way to the EU.They be sayin' that each member state should be decidin' who gets to cross their borders, not them criminal smugglers. And while they support Syrian refugees in line with the law, they be lookin' to open a bigger conversation in the EU about how migrants get international protection.But fear not, me hearties! They be sayin' that a re-evaluation of conditions in Syria wouldn't automatically mean sendin' refugees back. Instead, those from safe areas might lose benefits and the right to work, so as to dissuade others from comin' to Cyprus.

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