The Booty Report

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Arrr, the 'Megalopolis' captain be standin' tall, swearin' not a single doubloon be wasted on his grand adventure!


Arrr mateys, at a swashbucklin' gathering in Cannes, the Cap'n boldly declared he be craftin' his next cinematic adventure, payin' no heed to the scuttlebutt swirlin' 'round him like a tempest at sea. Yo-ho-ho, the show must go on!

Arrr mateys, at a grand Cannes gathering, the swashbucklin' director be talkin' 'bout his next grand adventure on the silver screen, without a care for the rumblings of recent accusations against him. The scallywag be boldly declarin' that he be already puttin' quill to parchment, craftin' his next masterpiece that will surely shiver the timbers of audiences far and wide.
With a glint in his eye and a swagger in his step, the director be showin' no sign of bein' swayed by the doubloons bein' thrown his way. He be standin' tall, ready to set sail on yet another cinematic journey that be sure to have audiences clamorin' for more.
While the critics may be mutterin' in the shadows, the director be unfazed, his spirit as unyieldin' as the ocean waves. He be a true pirate of the silver screen, navigatin' through turbulent waters with a wink and a smile, ready to plunder the hearts of all who dare to watch his films.
So raise a tankard of grog in salute to this bold filmmaker, for he be showin' us all that no matter the storm clouds that may gather, the show must go on, and the adventure never ends for those who dare to dream.

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