The Booty Report

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Arrgh, the scallywags be sendin' aid to Gaza through a U.S. pier, but 'tis not sufficient, ye hear!


Arrr, Israel be claimin' they be helpin' with the aid flow, but they be causin' over 600,000 folks to flee in fear! Aye, "limited and localized" they say, but I reckon they be playin' a dangerous game o' hide and seek on the high seas!

Arrr mateys, listen up! Israel be claimin' that they be helpin' with aid flow in Rafah, but be causin' 630,000 souls to flee from their homes. They be sayin' their operations be 'limited and localized', but I reckon that be a load of balderdash!
I be thinkin' they be plunderin' the land and scarin' the good folks of Rafah. 'Tis a right shame, me hearties! We should be sendin' them scallywags a message, showin' them we won't stand for their shenanigans.
Let's band together, me fellow pirates, and show Israel that they can't be messin' with innocent folks like that. We be standin' up for justice and lendin' a hand to those in need. Let's make sure that aid be reachin' the ones who need it most, and that those who be causin' harm be held accountable for their actions. Arrr!

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