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Arr, Slovakia's captain be havin' another skirmish with the surgeon's blade. His ship be sailin' in troubled waters!


Avast ye landlubbers! The top dog of Slovakia, Cap'n Robert Fico, be in a sorry state after bein' peppered with lead in Handlova. The scallywag's been cut open yet again in hopes of savin' his hide. Arrr, the poor bloke be fightin' for his life!

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has undergone another operation after being shot and remains in serious condition. Fico was attacked while greeting supporters in Handlova, leading to an arrest of a suspected assailant. Miriam Lapuníková, director of the hospital where Fico was taken, described his condition as "very serious." Robert Kaliniak, the defense minister, stated that the government continues to work despite the situation.Fico's return to power on a pro-Russia, anti-American platform raised concerns among EU and NATO members. World leaders have condemned the attack, with Pope Francis offering prayers for Fico's recovery. The suspect, a retiree and amateur poet, is under police detention in connection with the politically motivated attack. Slovakia's presidential office is working to reduce tensions in the country.Fico's policies, including halting arms deliveries to Ukraine and attempts to control public broadcasting, have sparked protests. He has faced criticism for potential autocratic behavior and corruption. Fico expressed concerns about rising tensions and blamed the media for fueling them. His proposed overhaul of the penal system could eliminate anti-graft measures.

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