The Booty Report

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Arrr, at the Cannes Film Fest, we be findin' treasures from Andrea Arnold and Rungano Nyoni, ye scurvy dogs!


Arrr, me hearties! The films “Furiosa” and “Megalopolis” be the treasures most sought after, but do not be overlookin' the hidden gems by Andrea Arnold and Rungano Nyoni. They be like buried treasure waitin' to be discovered! Aye, me eyes be on the lookout for more booty from these filmmakers!

Arr matey, let me spin ye a tale of the high seas of the 17th century! The films be rollin' at the festival, with "Furiosa" and "Megalopolis" stealin' the spotlight like a ship in the night. But hold fast, me hearties, for there be treasures to be found in the works of Andrea Arnold and Rungano Nyoni!
These two scallywags be showin' their mettle, makin' a name for themselves amongst the sea of big names and flashy films. Their works be like hidden treasures, waitin' to be discovered by those with a keen eye and a taste for adventure.
So raise a glass of rum to Arnold and Nyoni, me mateys, for they be showin' us that the real booty be in the art of filmmakin'. And remember, in this vast ocean of cinema, there be always room for new legends to be born and new stories to be told. Yo ho ho, let the films set sail!

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