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Avast, me hearties! 'Tis a chill in the air like a frosty kiss from Davy Jones himself in Chile!


Avast ye scallywags! The Chileans be shivering in their timbers, as the icy grip of Antartica hath descended upon the land. 'Tis the coldest autumn in seven decades, with temperatures near freezing in Santiago. Batten down the hatches and break out the rum to keep warm, me hearties!

Avast, ye scallywags! Chileans be donning their warmest garb as they face the coldest autumn in over seven decades, a mere blink of an eye after frolicking in the sun clad in naught but t-shirts. A sudden cold front be sweeping across parts of South America, leaving many a soul shivering in wind chills not often felt at this time o' year.Records be shattered as temperatures plummet along the Chilean coast and in Santiago, the grand capital, with mercury flirting dangerously close to freezing. 'Tis the chilliest May since 1950, as reported by the Chilean meteorological agency, all thanks to a series of frosty air masses invading from the south.Climate change be blamed for this topsy-turvy weather, as experts connect the dots 'twixt extreme conditions and global warming. Winter be making an early entrance in the Southern Hemisphere, catchin' many a soul off guard.The Antarctic air be clashin' with warm currents from the Amazon, causin' chaos in Brazil with fierce rainstorms. Chile's government be issuin' frosty weather alerts and aid for the homeless, as snow blankets the Andes and parts of Santiago, leavin' many in the dark.Mercedes Aguayo, a crafty vendor in Santiago, be grateful for the surge in business after last year's scorchin' winter. The sudden cold snap be takin' Argentina and Paraguay by storm, with energy demand skyrocketin' and supplies bein' rationed to stave off outages.

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