The Booty Report

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Arrr, Austin Butler be spillin' the beans on new film from Hereditary scallywag, stirrin' up a right good frenzy!


Arrr mateys! The Bikeriders star be spillin' the beans on the whispers o' Heat 2 and the next flick from Ari Aster. Hold on to yer peg legs and eye patches, it be a wild ride ahead!

Avast ye mateys! The star of The Bikeriders has been spilling the beans on all the rumors surrounding Heat 2 and the next movie from the infamous Ari Aster. Arrr, it be a tale worth tellin'!
Rumors have been swirlin' around the high seas about a sequel to the hit film Heat, and the star of The Bikeriders has been havin' a jolly ol' time talkin' about it. Will there be more high-speed chases and heart-pumpin' action? Only time will tell, me hearties!
But that's not all, me buckos! The star has also been chattin' about the next movie from the master of horror himself, Ari Aster. Will it be a spine-chillin' tale of terror or a jolly good laugh? Only time will tell, me hearties!
So batten down the hatches and keep a weather eye on the horizon, because there be some excitin' times ahead for fans of The Bikeriders and Ari Aster's work. Arrr, it be a grand adventure indeed!

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