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Biden be plannin' to bring Gazans aboard, but beware mateys, they be brainwashed by scallywags! Aye, expert warns!


Avast ye scurvy dogs! As the land lubbers in Gaza be displaced by the scoundrels of Hamas, President Biden be ponderin' lettin' a new wave of immigrants in. The locals be talkin', but who be listenin' to them swashbucklers? Arrr!

In the language of a 17th-century pirate, it be said that the White House be mullin' over resettlin' them Palestinians from the Gaza Strip to the United States, arrr, sparkin' warnings from experts about the potential for terrorism and failed assimilation, matey. Aye, the White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre announced in early May that they be considerin' supportin' Palestinians who be family members of American citizens and may be wantin' to come to the United States, arrr.But beware, for Hamas invaded Israel Oct. 7 and murdered nearly 1,200 people, includin' over 30 Americans, aye. Video footage shows Gazans cheerin' on Hamas terrorists and desecratin' the bodies of dead Israelis and Europeans, arrr. The war-torn Gaza Strip be steeped in Hamas’s terrorist ideology since 2007, instillin' dangerous thoughts into the hearts of over 2 million Gazans, matey.Experts be warnin' that Gazans be indoctrinated with radical beliefs, makin' 'em a risky proposition for resettlement in the U.S., arrr. Some be suggestin' that instead of resettlin' them, efforts should be made to help them in their own lands until 'tis safe for them to return, matey. The situation be dire, but there be hope that with the right guidance, Gazans could turn away from terrorism and embrace a more positive path, arrr!

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