The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, two fine JRPGs be makin' waves on Kickstarter! One be over 750% funded, the other be fully funded in less than 48 hours. Huzzah!


Arrr mateys! Runa and Alzara be rakin' in the doubloons with their crowdfundin' campaigns! Thar be more gold in their treasure chests than a pirate can count! Let's raise a tankard of grog to their success, yo ho ho!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round and listen well, for I have news that will make ye chuckle with delight! It seems that the lovely lasses Runa and Alzara have set sail on the treacherous seas of crowdfunding, and by Blackbeard's beard, their campaigns are booming! The winds of fortune are blowing in their favor, and gold doubloons are raining down upon them like a mighty thunderstorm!
Runa, with her cunning wit and sharp tongue, has captured the hearts of many a scallywag with her daring quest to fund a new tavern in the port town. The rum flows freely and the music never ends in her establishment, thanks to the generous donations of her loyal supporters.
And let us not forget Alzara, the spirited lass with a twinkle in her eye and a thirst for adventure! Her campaign to fund a daring expedition to uncover hidden treasures in the deep, dark caves of Skull Island has garnered the attention of many a brave soul looking to join her crew.
So raise a toast to Runa and Alzara, ye salty dogs, and may their sails be forever filled with the winds of success! Aye, 'tis a merry time indeed for these two bold buccaneers!

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