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Arr, Trump be touting the NRA's backing and callin' on all ye gun-totin' scallywags to head to the polls!


Arr matey, the National Rifle Association be throwin' their support behind former President Donald Trump! 'Twas no surprise at all when they made that announcement at their annual shindig in Dallas. Trump then took the stage, talkin' 'bout how ol' Biden be tryin' to take away our precious gun rights. Aye, we must protect the Second Amendment at all costs!

Arr matey, the National Rifle Association be throwin' their support behind former President Donald Trump at their convention in Dallas. Aye, 'twas a predictable endorsement, but one that be makin' waves nonetheless.
Just afore Trump took the stage to speak at the annual meetin', the NRA officially gave their stamp o' approval to his presidential campaign. Trump used his time in the spotlight to warn against President Biden's supposed plans to take away our gun rights, without givin' any details.
"We need a Second Amendment that be worth somethin'," Trump declared to the crowd. Aye, he be talkin' tough about protectin' our rights to bear arms, a message that be resonatin' with the NRA faithful gathered in Dallas.
So there ye have it, me hearties. The NRA be standin' firmly behind Trump, and he be talkin' the talk when it comes to defendin' our gun rights. Whether his words be turnin' into action remains to be seen, but for now, it be clear where the NRA's loyalty lies.

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